CREATE TABLE [dbo].[form_cause] ( [id] int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [content] varchar(50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [otherValue] varchar(100) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [report_id] varchar(50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK__form_cau__3213E83F24134F1B] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([id]) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[form_cause] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO INSERT INTO [dbo].[form_cause]([content], [otherValue], [report_id]) VALUES ('2=3=4=5', NULL, '20011415414786'); INSERT INTO [dbo].[form_cause]([content], [otherValue], [report_id]) VALUES ('5=12=18', NULL, '20011418003562'); INSERT INTO [dbo].[form_cause]([content], [otherValue], [report_id]) VALUES ('5', NULL, '20032612043418'); INSERT INTO [dbo].[form_cause]([content], [otherValue], [report_id]) VALUES ('6', NULL, '20032612043418'); INSERT INTO [dbo].[form_cause]([content], [otherValue], [report_id]) VALUES ('8', NULL, '20032612043418');
--创建查询字符串下标函数 取字符串中,某个字符,出现第几次的下标值 create function fn_find(@find varchar(8000), @str varchar(8000), @n smallint) returns int as begin if @n < 1 return (0) declare @start smallint, @count smallint, @index smallint, @len smallint set @index = charindex(@find, @str) if @index = 0 return (0) else select @count = 1, @len = len(@find) while @index > 0 and @count < @n begin set @start = @index + @len select @index = charindex(@find, @str, @start), @count = @count + 1 end if @count < @n set @index = 0 return (@index) end go --创建拆分表数据存储过程 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[splitFormCause] AS BEGIN Declare @temp varchar(50);-- 游标的临时变量 Declare @tempCount int;-- content字段中匹配=的个数 Declare @contentStr varchar(50);-- content字段的完整值 Declare @tempContent varchar(50);-- content字段拆分后的单个值(不包括最后一个值) Declare @lastTempContent varchar(50);-- cotent字段拆分后的最后一个值 Declare @dataCount int;--对应游标的数据量 Declare @i int;--内层循环使用的下标 Declare report_id_cursor cursor --定义一个游标 for( select report_id from form_cause where content like '%=%') --取form_cause表中content字段包含=的全部数据,以report_id的值作为游标值 open report_id_cursor --打开游标 --获取游标值到 临时变量中 fetch next from report_id_cursor into @temp; --开始循环 while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin set @tempCount=0 --初始化数量 set @i=1 --初始化内层循环下标为1 --获取对应游标的数据量 select @dataCount = (select count(1) from form_cause where report_id=@temp) --判断对应游标数据量大于1,则不进行后续操作 if(@dataCount>1) begin --获取下一个游标值,并且跳出循环 fetch next from report_id_cursor into @temp continue; end --计算当前游标数据的 content值中=的个数 select @tempCount= (select len(content)-len(replace(content, '=', '')) from form_cause where report_id=@temp) --给当前游标数据的content赋值到变量中 select @contentStr=( select content from form_cause where report_id=@temp) --以==个数,开始遍历数据 while @i<=@tempCount begin --截取当前下标下的拆分数据,将其赋值给变量 (通过fn_find函数+substring函数,获取当前拆分的数据) select @tempContent=substring(@contentStr,dbo.fn_find('=',@contentStr,@i-1)+1,(dbo.fn_find('=',@contentStr,@i)-dbo.fn_find('=',@contentStr,@i-1)-1)) --执行插入语句,根据拆分遍历以及游标值 insert into form_cause (content,report_id) values(@tempContent,@temp) --内存循环下标自增 set @i=@i+1 end --处理最后一条数据的content值 select @lastTempContent=( select substring(@contentStr,dbo.fn_find('=',@contentStr,@tempCount)+1,len(@contentStr)-dbo.fn_find('=',@contentStr,@tempCount)) ) --插入最后一条数据 insert into form_cause (content,report_id) values(@lastTempContent,@temp) --结束当前循环,并获取下一个游标 fetch next from report_id_cursor into @temp; end close report_id_cursor --关闭游标 deallocate report_id_cursor --释放游标 END go